Thursday, April 29, 2010

Technology Enhancing Learning?

While I was doing some research on e-learning I came across the following quotes:

"In education, e-learning is not changing the way students learn or how teachers teach; it is rather changing how knowledge is delivered and where educators train. One very important differentiator is that with computer-based learning there are no longer any physical, spatial, or time limit restraints in the structure, pace, or preferred learning methods of the education environment."

"technology in and of itself will not enhance learning. The case that illustrates that point well, was the adoption of cable TV in the classroom. As a tool, technology has the potential to enhance learning if it is accompanied by the appropriate instructional strategies which are designed to achieve the learning outcome."

Do you feel that some instructors rely too much on technology and not enough on teaching students effectively? What other factors besides technology effect our learning?

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